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Homage by Danny Goldsmith$25
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3 of my favorite routines 12 ORIGINAL sleights ...and countless invaluable professional secrets gained through a lifetime performing coin magic.
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Silver Chinese Tiger - Three different coins vanish, reappear...and then vanish again! This routine is packed with so many magic moments it’ll astound your spectators!
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Symphony Silver - A stunning mini ‘coins across’ featuring a concept you don't see enough coin magicians talk about...sound manipulation!
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Unexpected - hands down my favorite routine of all time... The kicker ending on this is frankly off the charts!
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Bonus Material
I will teach you a fun transposition effect that looks impossible as well as many extra sleights including vanishes, changes, productions. you're especially going to love the slow motion production. you saw it in the full trailer. That was not CGI!!
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A Talk on Theory
I will also be giving a 20 minute talk on presentational theory and what makes our magic magical! you will learn about:
- Tension and relaxation
- Proper motivation
- Naturalness
How to win over the skeptics
- Why doesn't your coin magic get reactions? ---What is magic and how do we invite our spectators to experience it?
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